So, every month you see the "Mandatory blog checking lines" somewhere in my Daring Bakers posts. The lines that follow the statement are used by the Daring Bakers coinstabualry to make sure we've completed teh challlenge each month. The lines are composed by Lis of the Daring Bakers. She's our chief baker and wonderwoman extraoridinaire.
Check out this month's Mandatory blog checking lines:
Kat of The Bobwhites was our August 2012 Daring Baker hostess who inspired us to have fun in creating pate a choux shapes, filled with crème patisserie or Chantilly cream. We were encouraged to create swans or any shape we wanted and to go crazy with filling flavors allowing our creativity to go wild!
Deep. Breath.
On top of the challenge, Mr Boom and I actually boarded a plane and flew to Hawaii to our niece's wedding. In the seventeen years we've been married, Mr Boom and I have been on a plane exactly twice. This was his first time flying over water. Lis had to post the challenge for me since we were gone on August first, the day the post goes up. Oh, and and top of that? BIG fires all around us this month. Several friends lost homes, pets, and livestock. We had foster animals at our house, and then were a few hours away from having to evacuate ourselves.
Interesting month. Needed friends. Had friends. Was a friend. It's all good.
Anyway, swans!
I've wanted to make pate a choux swans since I was in third grade. Thirty two years later, I'm finally getting around to it. What I found to be even more exciting than my own sense of accomplishment, was the thrill of seeing other bakers' amazing creations. We had ladybugs, crabs, sharks...we had chocolate, vanilla, berry....we had it all and we had a lot of fun.
Here's the challenge as presented. I hope you'll try it out!