Saturday, February 13, 2010

Come to perch (by Kat)

This fella came to perch in our yard.
He's been eyeballing the chickens.

He's probably a sharp-shinned hawk,
but he could be a Cooper's hawk.

I told him that he better stick to munching on the sparrows!


  1. Kat, I'm SO EXCITED to have won the book!!! I have a friend coming to visit us so if you'd like to mail the book to her, she can bring it. She's flying out on Feb. 22. Can you drop me an e-mail at kimberlyhoyt at yahoo dot com and I'll reply with the address.

    WOOT! I've been wanting to read that book for a while :-)

    Our power has been off most of today so when it finally came back on tonight, I was pretty pumped when I found your message.

  2. Did you do the Great Backyard Bird Count? I sat outside today and heard about a million birds, but didn't see one. I'm convinced they were deliberately hiding. They know.

  3. BTW, Trixie Beldon was my FAVORITE. Way better than Nancy Drew (although I read her books too). At one point I had around 20 of her books, but when I left for college I stored my books and things in a friend's basement which flooded. Lost them all :-( Over the years I picked up copies at used bookstores, garage sales, etc. and my daughter enjoyed reading them too. Then we moved to S. America and I gave what I had to the library for their annual sale and I heard one little girl snapped them right up :-) The power of Trixie continues! LOL

  4. Kim~ I'll send you a message!

    Pollinatrix~ I wanted to participate, but we were out of town all weekend.

    Kim again~ My aunt gave away all my books when I got married. Arg. And I agree, as much as I liked Nancy, Trixie rocked my world!
