Splish splash I'm loving the bath!
I couldn't wait any longer!!
I grabbed a bar of my homemade 100% olive oil castile soap and took a shower with it!
Can I just say wow?! I can't believe I made this stuff. I can't believe I'm sharing my shower with such an amazing bar of soap. Don't you have to be rich to have this kind of shower experience?
I guess not.
Did you know that commercial soap manufacturers, using a chemical process, remove the glycerin from their soaps, then sell the glycerin as a lotion?
It's kind of like the dairy industry.
The cream is removed from the milk product and then sold separately,
at a higher price of course.
When you make your own soap, the glycerin stays in, and the soap is just amazing.
Excuse me, I'm off to take another shower....

Love the soap stories. You're getting me closer and closer to making soap all the time.