Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks (by Kat)

It's pretty late as I sit here on the eve of Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for my computer, my husband who keeps it running, my own desk.

Rolls are made, cauliflower au gratin is cooling in the shop.
I'm thankful for the cool weather that turns our shop into a fridge.
I'm thankful that nobody knows that the ingredients doubled as cat toys...

Unexpected company dropped in tonight, with the kitchen a mess
and me trying to finish up the November Daring Bakers challenge.
I'm thankful for relatives who care enough to drop in,
and having a yummy dessert to share at the table.

The stairs are one step closer to being finished.
I'm thankful for readers who forgive bad puns.

We're painting them red.
I'm thankful for cool paint names like "fine wine."

I'm thankful for my husband, whose creaks above my head mean
he's putting laundry away in our room upstairs.

I'm thankful for so much.

I'm thankful for you, dear reader.


1 comment:

  1. That was actually a very good pun.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and to Bet!
